The Minister of Science has announced a call for NCN Council members. The Council is made up of 24 researchers with half of them replaced every two years. Applications can be submitted by 5 August.
The NCN Council was formed pursuant to the Act on the National Science Centre of 30 April 2010. It is made up of 24 scholars from various academic disciplines. Members of the Council are appointed for a period of four years and half of them are replaced every two years.
On 2 July, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published a call for NCN Council members who will start their term of office at the end of the year.
The Council identifies priority areas in basic research in accordance with the state's development strategy, lays down the terms and conditions for calls for research proposals, allocates funding and publishes calls for doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships. Furthermore, the Council appoints members of expert teams evaluating research proposals and announces calls for the NCN Director.
The call for NCN Council members will last until 5 August. The Identification Team established by the Minister of Science evaluates the candidates and compiles a list of candidates recommended for the NCN Council.
A call for NCN Council members and terms that must be met by the candidates are available on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.