Please note that our webinars on Open Access Policy and Data Management Plans will be held on different dates:
Webinar of 17 September 2024 will be held on 3 October 2024 and
Webinar of 18 September 2024 will be held on 4 October 2024.
The webinars… czytaj dalej Change of dates of webinars initially planned for 17 and 18 September 2024. More information below.
Dr Piotr Alexandrowicz, a legal historian at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and Dr Łukasz Bola from the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences have joined the ranks of ERC Starting Grant winners. They are also involved in NCN-… czytaj dalej Dr Piotr Alexandrowicz, a legal historian at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and Dr Łukasz Bola from the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences have joined the ranks of ERC Starting Grant winners. They are also involved in NCN-funded projects.
The National Science Centre will support the Medical Research Agency (MRA) in their calls for basic research projects in medical and health sciences. An agreement to this effect was signed in Krakow, on 4 September 2024 by the directors of the two… czytaj dalej The National Science Centre will support the Medical Research Agency (MRA) in their calls for basic research projects in medical and health sciences. An agreement to this effect was signed in Krakow, on 4 September 2024 by the directors of the two agencies.
Scientists from the Jagiellonian University have just won an IMPRESS-U research grant for a project looking into the properties of nuclear forces, which will be conducted in cooperation with researchers from the US and Ukraine. The budget for the Polish… czytaj dalej Scientists from the Jagiellonian University have just won an IMPRESS-U research grant for a project looking into the properties of nuclear forces, which will be conducted in cooperation with researchers from the US and Ukraine. The budget for the Polish team is more than 800,000 zlotys.
This year’s Award will have new rules and a new venue. As always, it will be presented to the best early-stage researchers, whose names will be announced on 9 October.
The NCN Award is the most prestigious distinction for early-stage researchers… czytaj dalej This year’s Award will have new rules and a new venue. As always, it will be presented to the best early-stage researchers, whose names will be announced on 9 October.
95 researchers will have their research activities funded under MINIATURA 8. The fourth ranking list for proposals submitted in May is now available.
Under MINIATURA 8, researchers with a PhD degree who work for Polish research institutions could apply… czytaj dalej 95 researchers will have their research activities funded under MINIATURA 8. The fourth ranking list for proposals submitted in May is now available.
We are pleased to present the results of the OPUS 26+LAP/Weave call for researchers at any stage of their research career who may request funding for their bilateral and trilateral research projects carried out in international collaboration under the… czytaj dalej We now know the results of the OPUS 26+LAP/Weave call for research projects performed in collaboration with researchers from Luxembourg. The funding will go to the team from IDEAS NCBR for their project on effective and efficacious strategies for cell reprogramming.
In the new episode of the NCN podcast, professors Artur Obłuski and Piotr Sankowski, who have won grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and the National Science Centre, talk about their experiences in preparing research proposals and discuss the… czytaj dalej In the new episode of the NCN podcast, professors Artur Obłuski and Piotr Sankowski, who have won grants from the ERC and NCN, talk about their experiences in preparing research proposals and discuss the importance of perseverance in their quest for funding.
Three more scientists returning to Poland under the programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) will have their basic research funded by the National Science Centre. We have published the fourth ranking list of research components… czytaj dalej Three more scientists returning to Poland under the programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) will have their basic research funded by the National Science Centre. We have published the fourth ranking list of research components under Polish Returns NAWA 2023.
Polish researchers among the winners of the international call for research projects launched by the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities was formed at the… czytaj dalej Polish researchers among the winners of the international call for research projects launched by the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities.
Dr hab. Julia Pawłowska from the University of Warsaw, together with Austrian researchers, will soon start working on a project funded under the Weave-UNISONO call. The Polish component of the project has a budget of more than 1.7 million zlotys.… czytaj dalej Dr hab. Julia Pawłowska from the University of Warsaw, together with Austrian researchers, will soon start working on a project funded under the Weave-UNISONO call. The Polish component of the project has a budget of more than 1.7 million zlotys.
On 11 and 12 September, the 2nd Internationalisation Congress will be held in Warsaw to debate the international research collaboration. The event is organised by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and the National Science Centre.… czytaj dalej On 11 and 12 September, the 2nd Internationalisation Congress will be held in Warsaw to debate the internationalisation of science. Registration is now open.