QuantERA is a European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) Cofund Programme in the field of Quantum Technologies (QT), focused on leading calls for proposals for excellent transnational research projects in Europe.
Since 2016, the QuantERA network has been successfully providing the QT research community with a coordinated, Europe-wide approach to supporting cutting-edge research and innovation in QT. QuantERA answers the growing need for collaborative endeavours and common funding schemes in the field of Quantum Technology research in Europe, which due to its highly interdisciplinary nature cannot be confined to an individual institution or state. Through coordination of national and regional research funding programmes, QuantERA avoids the problem of fragmentation of national efforts, encouraging transnational collaborations and leveraging Europe’s competitive advantage in the field of QT.
The QuantERA Programme is coordinated by the National Science Centre and connects 41 Research Funding Agencies from 31 countries.
QuantERA Call 2023 - closed
QuantERA Call 2021 - closed
QuantERA Call 2019 - closed
QuantERA Call 2017 - closed
Funded projects
- Call Secretariat Leader:
French National Research Agency (ANR)
Sergueï Fedortchenko, Ph.D., Serguei.Fedortchenko@anr.fr
- Coordinator:
National Science Centre (NCN)
Programme Office, quantera@ncn.gov.pl
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