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NCN calls for proposals are open to all researchers irrespective of age and experience. The projects must be carried out in Polish host institutions.
Funding schemes matching your search criteria
Funding opportunity intended for pre-doctoral researchers about to embark on their scientific career
Currently open call:PRELUDIUM 23
proposal submission deadline: 17.06.2024 call announcement
Funding opportunity intended for a wide range of applicants. The research proposal submitted under this scheme may include the purchase or construction of research equipment
Currently open call:OPUS 27
proposal submission deadline: 17.06.2024 call announcement
Funding scheme addressed to researchers at the onset of their career offering them full-time employment in Polish research institutions and funding to carry out research projects, as well as the opportunity of a 3-6-month visiting fellowship outside of Poland
there is no currently open call
Funding opportunity intended to support the Principal Investigator in conducting innovative basic research, using advanced research equipment and/or an original methodology.
there is no currently open call
Funding opportunity addressed to researchers holding a doctoral degree, wanting to establish a new research team and become independent research leaders.
there is no currently open call
Funding opportunity designed for advanced researchers wishing to conduct pioneering research, including interdisciplinary research which is important for the development of science. Projects within this funding scheme should surpass the current state of knowledge, lead to the creation of a new paradigm, or forge pathways to new frontiers in that field.
there is no currently open call
Funding opportunity intended for research projects addressed at institutions operating doctoral schools
there is no currently open call
Fellowship programme for experienced researchers
there is no currently open call
Programme intended to establish Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. It is launched by the National Science Centre together with the Max Planck Society (MPG)
there is no currently open call
Funding scheme offering funding for activities that serve as part of larger basic research
Currently open call:MINIATURA 8
proposal submission deadline: 31.07.2024 call announcement