SYMFONIA is a funding opportunity intended for exceptional established researchers wanting to carry out interdisciplinary or cross-domain research in collaboration with teams representing different areas of research.

Principal Investigator: a researcher holding a doctoral degree, who, in the past 10 years prior to the submission of the proposal, has been a Principal Investigator of at least two research projects (or: supervised the implementation of at least 2 research projects) selected within national or international competitions.

Team members: research position for at least 2 post-docs and 4 PhD students must be provided.

Duration: 36, 48, 60 months

Evaluation criteria:

  • proposals from within NCN Panels, involving basic research,
  • interdisciplinary nature of the research project,
  • scientific excellence and innovative nature of the research project,
  • impact on the development of the research discipline,
  • the research portfolio of the Principal Investigator, co-investigators and research team members,
  • composition of the research team,
  • justification of the planned costs,
  • implementation of previous research projects.


  • Min. PLN 2 M for an idividual project.
  • Host Institution receives overheads at a rate of 30%.
  • Under the SYMFONIA scheme, applicants may seek funding for research equipment up to 500,000 PLN for projects in the fields of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and up to 150,000 PLN in the field of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Application: written in both Polish and English

Calls for proposals: once a year

Detailed information on the SYMFONIA funding scheme (Polish only).