Not gone with the wind: or 10,000 years of storminess revealed in the coastal Arctic…
Prof. dr hab. Mateusz Strzelecki
The role of epigenetics in disease pathology
dr hab. Tomasz Wojdacz, prof. PUM
Long-term effects of light pollution on freshwater predators
Right not to Incriminate Oneself in the Digital Era
dr hab. Wojciech Jasiński, prof. UWr
Good gluten-free bread - a technological challenge
Private Data Law: Concepts, Practices, Principles, and Politics
Mapping human emotions in the face of climate change
Prof. Dr hab. Artur Marchewka
A breakthrough in research on therapeutic mRNA
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Jemielity
New solutions in electronics
Dr hab. Anna Dyrdał, prof. at the UAM
Impact of abrupt climate change on peatland ecosystems
In vivo non-invasive assessment of arterial stiffness in humans
Prof. Dr hab. inż. Ryszard Białecki
In search of better rheumatoid arthritis therapies